Montag, 11. April 2005

Leben und ich
[ WG-"Leben" ]

WG Leben, erzählt mir bloß nichts vom tollen WG Leben!

Leben und ich
[ The Culture Cult ]

»Life gets better, but people feel worse. In seven short words that’s what Gregg Esterbrook’s book is about. The Progress Paradox (2003) is a revealing survey of modern discontents ranging widely in the social sciences and medicine, and it’s certainly interesting that ten times as many people may now suffer from depression as did half a century ago. But Easterbrook is broad rather than deep, and seems largely unaware that people have been complaining about progress, and looking nostalgically back at the past, for as long as there’s been a past to look back at. How depressed they felt when they did so is hard to say—as often as not they seem to have got into a towering rage—but the progress paradox has been with us for thousands of years.«
von: The Culture Cult

via rebecca's pocket

Glauben und ich
[ Papst-Beerdigung reloaded ]

Und tschüss
"Bringt den Papst endlich unter die Erde. Ich bin evangelisch und kann es nicht länger tragen"
(Philipp Mausshardt, taz, 8. April 2005)

(via kleinstadtelse)

Funny stuff and me
[ Hacken, wa? ]

(via .. l.o.g .. .. ..)

Funny stuff and me
[ :) ]

geek[y] humor



April 2005

Arbeit und ich
Buecher und ich
Computer und ich
Die WG und ich
Erste Male und ich
From another world
Funny stuff and me
Glauben und ich
Kino und ich
Leben und ich
Lernen und ich
Me, Myself and I
Sad things and me
Songs und ich
Strange things und ich
Tests und ich
... weitere
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