Glauben und ich
[ God Loves a Man In Uniform ]

»Groups like Campus Crusade openly promote hatred and intolerance by insisting on high pressure proselization. I had my own encounters with them when, on the Smith Campus, they set up a boot on the most-traveled footpath. They were sitting there all smug and self-assured, calling out "hi! would you like a piece of chocolate?"

I went up to them and said "I know Jesus said to be fishers of men, but do you think he really wanted you to use chocolate as bait?"

The main thing that most of these insidious, disgusting little christian groups has forgotten is that to truly proselytize, one should be an example. A quiet example, walking in peace with the Lord. Not sitting there preying on the weak by offering treats or other things (Campus Crusade often offers friendship to the friendless--as long as they tow the party line). Baiting people with chocolate, luring them to repeated showings of Mel Gibson's insidious and gratuitously violent "The Passion" and showing open intolerance to others who follow different faiths or belief systems is NOT christian.

In their own vernacular, it is Not What Jesus Would Do.

Unless those fools are reading a different Bible than I am. And I believe wholeheartedly that they are.

I do not think they realize that with their smug self-righteousness and intolerance of others that they are the sinners--they are the ones not following the path of Christ. They are abusing the name of Christian for their own self-aggrandizing.«

God Loves a Man In Uniform by Tish G.

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April 2005

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